Saturday, November 7, 2009

The independence was the only option!!!

In front of genocide and such horrible crimes commited in Kosova and in all other parts of Balkan, the deafening serbian claims for unlawful seccesion looks like a terrible irony.

I'm bringing you just a very small part of that was happening in Kosova.

Part 2

Part 3

Part 4

And Finally ...

Friday, November 6, 2009

2400 years of history of ancient state of Kosovo


"The Dardanian Kingdom" presents the 2,400-year ancient history of the newest country in Europe, Kosovo. The publication of the book marks the first attempt of full 2,400-year historical recognition-years that passed the Albanian people of Kosovo. Famous archeologist and professor Luan Perzhita reveals the 2400 year history of Kosovo on his new "The Dardanian Kingdom" book.

Find more in

 New Kosova Report

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